The Critic

The fall of 1951 was a significant turning point in Fairfield Porter’s life.  He had become a regular contributor to ARTnews and exhibited his paintings at the Tibor de Nagy gallery, events he describes in a December letter to his sister-in-law:

Thanks for your sympathetic letter.  My show was a success, except financially.  Also I got into the Gallery in New York that I prefer to all others.  I got to know them by reviewing, that is galleries, and this one seemed the one that took chances, and the chances worked.  I did not think I had a chance, but they liked my reviews of their shows (both the favorable and unfavorable ones) and Walter [Auerbach] told them about me, and I showed them some pictures, and Bill and Elaine de Kooning also recommended me, and I could not tell whether they liked my pictures because they said to everyone that showed pictures, “they are beautiful,” so as to hurt no feelings, and then two artists who were there also liked my pictures, and put pressure on for me, and I told them that I preferred them to all other galleries, which did no harm, and so they took a chance with my pictures, which was a chance that my pictures would look academic.  It has given me a big boost.  I like reviewing too.  I am much prouder of my reviews than of my paintings.  In fact I think I could be the best art critic now writing in English.  ARTnews also likes me.  When I started Frankfurter said to Elaine who had recommended me, “He’s too intense, I give him six months.”  Six months have gone, and if I make an effort, I am better.  I think he thinks so too.”